
Symposium: Attack on Food and Farmers

August 21, 2024

FREE Event, 2nd Annual Symposium – September 6th and 7th, 2024

11am-7pm EDT / 8am-4pm PT / 4pm-midnight GMT

Livestream Viewing at Door to Freedom - Hosted by Meryl Nass, MD

This is a unique opportunity to learn how the U.S. food supply is being quietly transformed, and how you can preserve your ability to obtain foods of your choice for your family. The symposium producers, Children's Health Defense an are committed to healthier, educated families, and together produced this critically important program.

Whether we like it or not, powerful forces are threatening our diet in new ways, ways that most of us never dreamed of. This event explains what changes are already here, what is coming, how it is being done, and what we can do to preserve our food choices and our independent farmers.

Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back

2-Day Symposium Program

Day 1 - How are our food and farmers being attacked?

  1. The long history of centralizing farming and the control of food
  2. The poisons in industrial farming
  3. Reducing available farmland
  4. Reducing available food
  5. How government regulation has been used against farmers
  6. New “foods” from labs and bugs
  7. One Health
  8. Geoengineering and the harmful use of weather modification

Day 2 - Here are the solutions

  1. Understanding the problem:  The Big Picture
  2. A Native American solution to food sovereignty
  3. Gardening and farming tricks of the trade
  4. Changing the laws and incentives to support small farmers and produce quality foods
  5. Using food to heal ourselves

Click here for detailed schedule


click speaker links below for lecture titles, abstracts, and bios

I. The general outline of the attack on food and agriculture

II. The specifics of the attack on food

III. Solutions – How do we fix this?


Watch 2023 Symposium Program (March 4)

Children's Health Defense Webpage

The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back

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